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Rizar's Latest news
Fallout 76: NPCs Wont Steal Your Guns Anymore
We have reported a week ago that Non-Player Characters are stealing weapons from the Dead. From now on these NPCs will not steal any guns…
City Planning and Farming are Coming on Play Station Plus for Free
Have you ever dreamed of becoming a city planner or a farmer? It might not be possible in real life but if you are a…
Valhalla is Added on Assassin’s Creed
Yesterday there was a Livestream which was featuring running BossLogic. He has created a digital device that sends you back to the Viking age. The…
MOBA Smith is Now Available on Epic Games Store
The third-person action pack MOBA Smith is now available on the Epic Games Store and a lot has changed since the first release. Hi-Rez Studios…
Google’s Stadia Connect Included PUBG & EA Titles
Google's Stadia Connect is a cloud gaming service that can support 4K games with 60 frames per second. On a presentation by Stadia yesterday, they…
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