Home Forums Nintendo Lobby Nintendo Switch ID Thread


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  • #73851

    Deleted User

    With Switch coming out in under 24 hours, I’d figure I’d go ahead and make this thread & sticky it. For Switch, you will need a Nintendo Account, which you can sign up now, or wait until you pick up the system.

    When making a Nintendo account, you will first start with making the ID (30 character limit) Afterwards, you will be able to get a nickname (10 character limit), and do some basic customization to your account.

    This OP is still a work in progress, and Switch technically hasn’t been released yet. So registering other users is beyond my knowledge, however when those details are learned, I will include them in the OP, as well as other features included for the Switch ID.

    With this being stickied, I do expects several responses in the next few weeks with users sharing their IDs. We (local mods) will try to keep this thread updated periodically with the IDs.

    For now, feel free to post your Nintendo ID if you already have it, along with your nickname. And again, once more details are ironed out, this OP will be updated.

    Enjoy your Nintendo Switch! 😀


    Switch ID – Switch Friend Code

    2952940_Optimus – xxoptimus930xx – SW-4722-8130-3535
    Ayoo25 – SW-5136-1080-8636
    BigPete7978 -BigPete7978 – SW-3681-3045-5041
    Blu-Eyd-Wlf – blueydwlf
    Bomb-omb-omb – SW-1349-6999-5764
    btdoffing – Thunderwolf – SW-5679-7159-2196
    CBeeze5G – professorpokemon
    chet87 – SW-6017-7382-5522
    crazy.blood.monkey – crazybloodmonkey
    cross44 – SaintAvalon – SW-1610-4408-9128
    Dante86dmc – Dante86dmc- SW-2891-2090-6045
    english43 – ogtamer – SW-5152-4539-0517
    Fuhgeddit – SW-7280-6268-3616
    FuzzleMint – MintyDog – 7334-0199-6509
    game-leper – sw- 7138-5581-4319
    glester – MoiSoto
    GlobalLink99 – SW-7147-4223-1528
    ghoods – LightupBOB
    IrishShenegigans69 – IrishShenanigans69 – SW-0098-7899-0779
    justin6d – justin6d – SW-4103-8634-5038
    LightSaberBlues – theamazingslb – 2341- 4383 – 9237
    majinseb – Forsaken-S – SW-2817-8283-0506
    MatthewGavin10 – MatthewGavin10 – 2876 – 9904 – 1197
    mcuz91 – Lelouch91 – SW-5755-2077-1508
    mr_chun – mr_chun – SW-1182-6432-3149
    MrKold – zoving – 7684-8628-6291
    mufcdiver – mufcdiver – SW-6533-8353-2713
    MyVestiAccount – staceyrabshaw – SW-4993-9937-9858
    ningapenguin1 – ninjapenguin
    Nintendo113alt – Nintend113 – SW-1949-5114-6014
    nohumanape – nohumanape – SW-0498-1372-7998
    nookfan – nookfan – SW-6652-7321-5039
    proximo69 – proximo
    Ravenbom – raven – 7832-5003-0240
    reyes24 – tensileroberto
    SaltSlasher – saltslasher – SW-2112-7955-6416
    splurgelex – splurge
    strubcube – strubee – SW-1815-8717-7295
    Synosius – 7350-3313-3927
    TannerCKG – TannerCKG – 5845-7887-5475
    teaakayy – SW-0171-6601-5443
    THE-ALL-SEEING-EYE – jeepers
    TheKiller7IsDead – Killer7 – 0622-3407-2424
    theunentitled – FilipJPhry – 6551 – 5478 – 9890
    -TIME-EGG-LAYER- Time-egg-layer
    ULTIM4TEWARRIOR – ultimatewarrior
    ViolentRain – outworld_wraith – SW-3432-9730-0722
    vK3yBlad3v – vK3yBlad3v
    Wiiu0706 – Nintendoduvo
    xNoBLezZzx – Cofich – 1843-9790-8015

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