Gamers should be a vital part of the audience strategy for game developers and other companies involved in the Gaming Industry. It has been seen that Gamers are treated as just consumers who play games and buy products online. Their Game reviews must be seen as most important than compared to gaming websites as gamers evaluate and review games in a different way from websites.
In fact, Gamers are high influencers and trendsetters who just don’t buy Online games but are also an attractive audience who can facilitate selling or marketing of any product online.
Gamers buy Premium products. They love electronics and do not compromise on quality for their gaming needs. Research shows that a high number of gamers have watched a product Online and it has influenced their purchase decisions. Gamers are highly influential even for purchasing decisions of other electronics their families buy at home. It just doesn’t stop at electronics and it has been seen that Gamers also influence purchases in other product categories such as food, beverages which they have researched online or seen reviews.
Gamers are extremely influential and sadly unused segment of consumers. It is high time we reach out and engage with the Gamers and maximize on the extraordinary potential they hold.